Thursday, September 01, 2005

About me

Darn, how I hate to be always ridiculed and rejected always. I can take jokes, but sometimes inside of me just wana burst and say:"Enough of teasing me!!". Hey no offence here, it's just how I feel inside. Yesterday, I almost cried, as the deepest part inside of me feels vulnerable. Yet, I pray hard that these won't effect me too much. I felt better after that...

I have that soft side inside of me, people usually don't take me seriously...maybe coz I always laugh a lot and indulge in jokes. I am an easy target too, when people know about it, that's when I become an easy target for them, to be make fun of, laughed at, teased at...

Sometimes I burst, pretty bad...when I do, I cry, I stay away, I just sort of like ignore and try not to get close with that person. When I'm quiet after a joke is thrown at me, is one of the signs of it.

People can't seem to get the message. So after that they ask:"Why David? why are you so quiet?". Well that's me. I am a human too, with feelings, emotions, and a soft side, like everyone. That's why I learn, to only be with friends who I find comfortable to be with. I don't really fancy going out with a group of friends, I hate it when they make fun of me, like a soft toy. I feel insecure...

One day, I hope to be respected by others, to be taken seriously. Not too serious, just the right amount of seriousness and laughter. Too much of both is no good for a person.

To my close friends out there, I wrote this is not to provoke you, but rather to tell you how I feel inside, for you to better understand me.

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