Monday, July 30, 2012

♥ ~ Engagement ~ May 24th ~ ♥

It was a truly special day. The day I confronted my fears, humbled myself, to say these words: "Will you marry me?".

The preparations for it isn't easy at all. I had to preorder flowers, wrote the poem, think of a surprise plan, and the steps to execute it perfectly.

Thankfully it work out well, she was touched, and finally she said "Yes".

A few funny things that almost/didn't quite work out according to plan:
1. printed the poem several times due to the ink not able to stick to the paper properly
2. editing the poem several times as I felt it wasn't good enough
3. When at the carpark, she almost saw me climbing up the escalator to The Curve (with those flowers omigosh!) - I had to literally ran as fast as I could before seeing her narrowingly past by.
4. Had to speak to her, make her comfortable when she's already shaken up when she arrived at the scene.
5. Kneeling down in front of everyone, proposing to her with flower and ring in each hand (hardest feat of all)

May 24th, the day I proposed to Boey Wai San, the true love in my life.

~~ ♥ Love you dear, always and forever ♥ ~~


WaiSan said...

I love you too... My beloved dear... Muacks...

David Tay said...

thanks dear love u too! muacksmuacks!