Friday, May 25, 2007


Back to my beautiful blog... *ahem*

(picks up a pencil and scrabble...)

I learn that life can be tough... even when you actually have everything already..

I know I want more... I just dunno why... why I can't be satisfied with what I have now?...

Somethings amiss... just something... maybe I need to get away from here... away to somewhere where I have my own space...

Work... sux. lol.

Wonders... hmn... Will things improve if I get to KL... like by how much... or worse..

??? why am I thinking so much. Don't know. Been strange since yesterday... maybe after watching Pirates for 3 hours straight...

Pirates rules though... somehow it's still nice though 3 hours... maybe a bit tiring...

Ok, guess you're tired reading between the blank spaces, ha ha.

Somehow, I just feel it.... things are gonna get better. Somehow....


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