Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We'll go through it all

We'll go through it all
Someone says even a young and a new-born tree need some 'light storm',
Not to take away its life, infact it will make it stronger in its roots.
The same happened in relationship, once in a while we do need the 'storm' in our lives,
Not to brake the relationship, infact it will make it stronger in its roots.

Sometimes the trees are complaining that they have enough 'storm' for their root,
They cried and they wept, yet they did not give up,
They remain strong in its roots.
The same happened in relationship, sometimes we r just so tired of what has happened,
We cried and we wept,
But if we take a minute to reflect upon it,
I believe it's not that bad, we can still hang on,
Do not give up and let the roots strengthen itself,
So that when the other storm of your life come upon us, we'll be ready,
Coz just like the small tree, we already have the strong roots.

Nice poem from Sur's blog...Thanks!

Hope my relationship with Sheryl goes a long way even with the difficulties ahead...

All these just makes it stronger...the "silver lining" that comes with the dark clouds... I'm so glad I met her. =)

Sheryl I lurvvvvv you!!! *echos*


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